Six ways drones in construction add value

The Impact of Drones on Construction Efficiency

Mate, let me tell ya, drones in the construction biz are as Kiwi as pavlova at a summer BBQ. These flying machines ain’t just a fad; they’re like the secret sauce that keeps the industry sizzling. If ya ain’t using ’em, you’re basically handing your competition a free pass to zoom past ya.

See, knowing how these buzzing buddies impact every stage of the building game is like holding the golden ticket to success. It’s not just about flying them around for kicks; it’s about understanding how they streamline your workflow from start to finish. And trust me, that’s the kinda knowledge that’ll have ya laughing all the way to the bank.

Now, let’s break it down, shall we? There’s six key ways these beauties are gonna revolutionize your construction site. And hey, knowing this stuff might just earn ya some serious street cred in the industry.

1. Significantly safer sites

drones swooping in like your trusty sidekick, capturing 3D views of your worksites with pinpoint precision. Say goodbye to playing monkey on a pole or dangling from ropes like some wannabe superhero. And forget about trudging around stockpiles dodging heavy machinery like it’s a game of life and death. With these bad boys buzzing about, you can kick back and let ’em do the hard yards.

But hold on to your hard hat, ’cause here’s the kicker: did ya know that a chunk of construction costs—somewhere between six and nine percent—is all wrapped up in injuries? Yeah, it’s like money down the drain faster than a sausage sizzle at a Kiwi BBQ. One wrong move, and bam! Your profit margins take a hit faster than you can say “sweet as.”

Now, here’s where the magic happens: a construction drone gives ya the power to scope out every nook and cranny of your site without breakin’ a sweat. Just plot a flight plan, let the drone do its thing, and boom! You’ve got all the data ya need for planning, inspecting, and keeping your infrastructure in shipshape. Plus, these babies double up as security guards, keeping an eagle eye on your perimeters faster than you can say “chips and dip.” No more sneaky breaches goin’ unnoticed on your watch.

ROI insight: The average cost of lost project time due to just one injury on a construction project is USD 35K, and this does not include litigation, medical bills and compensation. Considering this, a reliable, highly-automated drone platform removes surveyors from active sites and easily pays for itself. 

2. Massive savings on survey-grade site surveys

Back in the day, getting the lowdown on a construction site was like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle blindfolded—it took days, heaps of effort, and by the time you had it all sorted, half of it was probably out of date anyway.

But hold onto your tool belt, ’cause things have changed. Thanks to these fancy drones, we’re talkin’ about getting the scoop on your site quicker than you can crack open a cold one after a long day’s work. With just a couple of drone pilots at the helm, we’re talking precise, crystal-clear snapshots of your site in a matter of hours, not days.

So here’s the deal: whether you’re at the drawing board or knee-deep in concrete, you’ve got all the info you need right at your fingertips. No more waiting around for days on end or relying on outdated intel. It’s like having a crystal ball that shows you exactly what’s happening on-site, whenever you need it.

And here’s the cherry on top: if you’re all about those frequent drone surveys, you’ve got a whole treasure trove of data at your fingertips. No more sending some poor bloke out to check every nook and cranny—just a click of a mouse and you’re sorted. It’s like having your own personal assistant, but way cooler.

“If a construction company is still using traditional survey crew, they’ll spend about $150 an hour for several days. That’s a lot of money. Or they can go out and buy this drone, and it’s going to pay for itself very quickly. As busy as we are, I think the drone probably paid for itself within the first month of us buying it. It was just worth it to buy.”

Alex Lowry 

Certified Drone Operator, Brent Scarbrough and Co.

These drone surveys? They’re like the secret weapon that slashes your survey crew costs faster than you can say “she’ll be right.” And the best part? You get your hands on the goods quicker than a Kiwi grabbing the last sausage off the barbie.

Check it: with traditional survey methods, you’re lookin’ at spending a good chunk of your day—about 6.5 hours—just to get the lay of the land. But slap a WingtraOne VTOL construction drone into the mix, and bam! You’re cruisin’ through that survey faster than a sheepdog rounding up the flock. We’re talkin’ just one hour, my friend. That’s a whopping 85% faster than the old-school way.

So what’s the bottom line? Time is money, my friend, and with these drones on your side, you’re not just savin’ time—you’re savin’ serious coin. It’s like having your own personal shortcut to success.

3. Real-time tracking (via updated, accurate construction drone data)

‘Cause let’s face it, we’re all human, and even the best of us make a few boo-boos along the way. But fear not, ’cause these drones? They’re like your trusty sidekick, swooping in to save the day faster than you can say “she’ll be right.”

Picture this: with drone data rollin’ in at regular intervals, you’ve got eyes in the sky keepin’ tabs on every nook and cranny of your site. Not just for progress, mind you, but for makin’ sure everything’s hittin’ the mark just like it should. And here’s the kicker: catchin’ those slip-ups early doors? It’s like savin’ yourself from a world of hurt down the track. We’re talkin’ less cost, less hassle, and less stress all ’round.

But wait, there’s more! Ever had a sneaky bit of gear do a disappearing act on ya? It’s like playin’ hide and seek with your tools, only way less fun. Turns out, it’s a real headache for the construction crew, costin’ us a cool billion bucks a year, no less! But fear not, my friend, ’cause with these drones keepin’ watch, we’re talkin’ Fort Knox-level security. No more playin’ detective to track down your gear—it’s all right there, clear as day, thanks to those nifty centimeter-level views.

So here’s the lowdown: investin’ in a decent drone setup ain’t just about flyin’ high—it’s about keepin’ those costly mistakes in check and keepin’ your gear right where it belongs. It’s like havin’ your own personal insurance policy, but way cooler.

What kinds of drones are used in construction?

let’s chat about the A-team of drones for your construction gig. We’ve got your multirotors and your fixed-wings, each bringin’ their own special sauce to the table.

Now, multirotors? They’re like the Jack of all trades, master of none. Handy for zipping around and checkin’ out those tight spots and vertical bits, thanks to their nifty hovering skills. But here’s the rub: they’re a bit like your old mate who’s always got an excuse not to show up to the party—they’re great in small doses, but they’ve got their limits.

Enter the fixed-wings, the heavy hitters of the drone world. These bad boys? They’re like the eagle-eyed scouts, swooping in to give you the full 360-degree view of your site in one fell swoop. They’re like the rugby player who covers the entire field in one epic sprint—they don’t mess around.

And don’t even get me started on VTOL fixed-wings. These babies? They’re like the ultimate combo meal, givin’ you the wide coverage of the fixed-wings and the vertical take-off and landing skills of the multirotors. It’s like havin’ the best of both worlds, my friend. No wonder they’re takin’ the industry by storm faster than you can say “Kiwi ingenuity.”

4. Faster decisions and overall project times

Keepin’ the bigwigs in the loop when they’re not exactly down the road. ‘Cause let’s face it, not everyone can pop down to the site for a chinwag over a cuppa.

Thanks to these nifty drones, we’ve got the lowdown on tap, right there in the cloud. It’s like havin’ your own personal hotline to the construction site, no matter where you are. No more faffin’ about with travel expenses or playing phone tag to get the latest deets.

And here’s the kicker: with instant access to updated site views, those stakeholders are gettin’ the VIP treatment, no matter where they’re at. It’s like havin’ a front-row seat to the action, without even havin’ to leave the couch. Talk about workin’ smarter, not harder!

Now, check this out: imagine savin’ yourself the hassle of days of travel and a fortune in airline tickets, just to give the bigwigs a peek at the project. With these drones doin’ the legwork, it’s like havin’ your own personal teleportation device. It’s the kind of magic that pays for itself, my friend.

5. Expedited contract reconciliation

When it comes to sizin’ up those mounds of dirt, we’re talkin’ precision, not guessin’.

That’s where these drones come in handy. With their fancy high-res cameras and clever software, they’re like the Sherlock Holmes of the construction site, sniffin’ out every detail from above. We’re talkin’ millions of data points coverin’ every nook and cranny, givin’ us the lowdown on volumes and progress like never before.

Picture this: daily snapshots of the action, right there at your fingertips. No more back-and-forth debates or finger-pointin’ when it comes to who’s done what. Owners, contractors, subcontractors—they’re all jumpin’ on the drone bandwagon, ’cause let’s face it, if you’re not in the game, you’re playin’ catch-up.

And here’s the kicker: when those disputes rear their ugly heads, you’ve got the receipts to back up your claims. It’s like havin’ your own personal lawyer, only without the hefty bill at the end.

So here’s the bottom line: on a busy site with deadlines loomin’, you ain’t got time to waste arguin’ over who did what. With these drones keepin’ watch, it’s like havin’ a guardian angel on your shoulder, keepin’ those disputes at bay faster than you can say “sweet as, bro.”

6. Lower overhead maintenance

You see, skippin’ out on those maintenance checks and updates? It’s like playin’ Russian roulette with your wallet. Sure, it might save ya a few bucks in the short term, but when disaster strikes? You’re lookin’ at a bill bigger than Mount Everest.

But here’s where these drones swoop in to save the day. With their eagle-eyed views and fancy tech, they’re like the superheroes of preventative maintenance. They sniff out potential problems faster than a Kiwi sniffin’ out a good deal, and they do it for a fraction of the cost.

Here’s the real kicker: when it comes to weighin’ up the cost of maintenance checks versus the price of a disaster, it’s a no-brainer. Sure, it might sting a bit upfront, but trust me, it’s a whole lot cheaper than pickin’ up the pieces after everything’s gone pear-shaped.

So here’s the bottom line, mate: investin’ in these drone platforms ain’t just about keepin’ your infrastructure in tip-top shape—it’s about protectin’ your wallet and savin’ lives. And trust me, that’s a price tag you can’t put a price on.

Why ease-of-use matters in a construction drone

So, when it comes to pickin’ the right drone for the job, you gotta think tough and easy, like a hard case with a soft spot. You want somethin’ that can handle the rough and tumble of the site, but also easy enough to wrangle so you’re not spendin’ more time fiddlin’ with controls than actually gettin’ stuff done.

Take, for instance, those belly-landing drones. Sure, they might seem fancy, but trust me, tryin’ to find a soft spot for ’em to land is like tryin’ to find a needle in a haystack. That’s where vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) comes in clutch. It’s like havin’ your own personal helicopter, minus the ear-splitting rotor noise.

But here’s the real kicker: you want a drone that can do the job quick-smart, rain or shine. ‘Cause let’s face it, when the weather’s playin’ up or you’re runnin’ outta daylight, you ain’t got time to muck about. You need a drone that can swoop in, snap some shots, and get you the latest intel faster than you can say “sweet as, bro.”

And last but not least, you gotta make sure your pilots are top-notch. ‘Cause even the fanciest drone ain’t worth a brass razoo if the bloke behind the controls hasn’t got a clue what they’re doin’. So make sure you’re lookin’ for a system that’s as easy as pie to use and as reliable as your old faithful sheepdog.

Use of drones in construction—in detail

Drone data is so versatile, it can be used throughout the entire construction lifecycle, from feasibility and tendering to delivery and maintenance.

1. Bidding and pre-planning

Before we even think about liftin’ a hammer, we gotta get ourselves a good ol’ “topo” survey of the site. It’s like gettin’ the blueprint of the land, showin’ us all the ins and outs before we start diggin’ in. And let me tell ya, these drones? They’re like our trusty sidekicks, helpin’ us map out the lay of the land quicker than you can say “she’ll be right.”

Take, for instance, this real-life yarn about a solar project. Before they even broke ground, they had their sights set on where to plonk their panels and gear. But thanks to the data from those WingtraOne surveys, they got a whole lot more than they bargained for. Turns out, they spotted spots that were a bit on the soggy side, and rejigged their plans quicker than you can say “biscuit.”

It’s like Jacob Cash said, we’re givin’ our clients the lowdown on the why and the why not. It’s not just about where to build—it’s about where not to build, too. And trust me, that’s the kinda insight that’ll save you a whole heap of time and money in the long run.

2. Planning and design

These drones are givin’ us the ultimate bird’s-eye view when it comes to plannin’ out our projects. It’s like havin’ a crystal ball that shows us exactly what’s what before we even lift a finger.

Now, before we start slingin’ mud, we’re talkin’ pre-plannin’ images gathered by these trusty drones. It’s like layin’ down the groundwork for a masterpiece, givin’ us the digital blueprint to work our magic on. And let me tell ya, it’s not just us tradies gettin’ in on the action—architects, councils, engineers, they’re all jumpin’ on board to sprinkle their own sprinkle of magic on the mix.

Take, for instance, the idea of overlayin’ 3D models onto drone snaps of the current setup. It’s like playin’ SimCity in real life, only without the pesky aliens attackin’ your buildings. We’re talkin’ gettin’ down to the nitty-gritty, figurin’ out where the shadows fall and what kinda views you’ll be treatin’ yourself to.

And here’s the kicker: it’s not just about the pretty pictures. We’re talkin’ extractin’ precise data like curbs and manholes and slingin’ ’em straight into our fancy CAD software. It’s like addin’ the cherry on top of the pavlova—givin’ us all the details we need to bring our vision to life.

Now, let’s talk accuracy. We’re not just talkin’ close enough—we’re talkin’ spot-on, like hittin’ the bullseye every time. Take it from Alex Lowry, the man behind the drone: he’s slingin’ shots so precise, they’d make a sniper jealous. It’s like havin’ a magic wand that paints the perfect picture every time.

So there you have it, mate: with these drones on our side, we’re not just buildin’ dreams—we’re buildin’ ’em with pinpoint precision. And trust me, that’s the kinda magic that’ll make ya feel like a real-life wizard.

3. Execution

While it already offers multiple advantages in the planning phase, the greatest value of drone use might come when projects enter the construction phase.

Earthworks, volumes and contract reconciliation

We’re talkin’ thousands of points, each packin’ a punch with geospatial and color info—like havin’ our own little army of data soldiers ready to march into battle.

Now, with a bit of magic from our photogrammetry software, we’re not just talkin’ pretty pictures—we’re talkin’ precise measurements and cut/fill analyses. It’s like havin’ a mathematician in your pocket, crunchin’ the numbers faster than you can say “abracadabra.”

And check this out: with daily views of the cut and fill based on our trusty WingtraOne drone, we’re savin’ ourselves a whole heap of hassle. We’re talkin’ less time wasted and less moolah spent, all thanks to our little aerial buddy.

Now, here’s where the real magic happens: when it comes to payin’ the folks who move the earth, accuracy is the name of the game. ‘Cause let’s face it, nobody wants to be shortchanged when it comes to shiftin’ dirt. That’s where these drones come in clutch, givin’ us the lowdown on every last pebble and pile.

Take it from Gry C.S. Kjellsmoen, the chief engineer over in Norway—these drones are like havin’ a watchdog keepin’ an eye on the contractors. It’s like havin’ a second pair of eyes, makin’ sure everything’s tickety-boo and no one’s pullin’ a fast one.

More frequent controlling of as-built vs. as-design

you’ve got your CAD plans sittin’ pretty, right? But what if I told you we could slap those plans right onto our trusty orthophotos? It’s like playin’ a game of spot-the-difference, only instead of finding hidden objects, we’re checkin’ to see if everything lines up like it should.

And here’s the kicker: with this little trick up our sleeves, we’re not just talkin’ about catchin’ mistakes—we’re talkin’ about catchin’ ’em before they even happen. It’s like havin’ a crystal ball that shows us exactly where we’re headin’ before we even take a step.

Monitor site progress down to the fine details

The faster we can eyeball a job and give it the thumbs up, the quicker we can crack on with the next one. It’s like passin’ the baton in a relay race—except instead of runners, we’ve got tasks, and instead of a baton, we’ve got our trusty drones buzzin’ overhead.

And check this out: these drones ain’t breakin’ the bank, mate. With their relatively low cost, we can snap up visual data faster than you can say “chilly bin.” We’re talkin’ regular surveys that paint a picture of progress, keepin’ us on track and makin’ sure we hit those deadlines like a bullseye.

Faster communications, decisions and hazard identification

Traditionally, these folks would either have to hoof it to the site themselves or splash out on a helicopter ride just to snap a few pics from above. But let’s be real—who’s got the time or the cash for that?

Enter our trusty drones. These bad boys are like our eyes in the sky, givin’ us the lowdown on the reg without breakin’ the bank. We’re talkin’ daily or weekly updates that keep everyone in the know faster than you can say “cheese.”

And here’s the kicker: not only are we keepin’ the bigwigs happy, but we’re also keepin’ our customers in the loop. It’s like sendin’ ’em a postcard from the future, lettin’ ’em know we’re right on track, both in terms of time and budget.

Minimize rework and claims via tight documentation

If somethin’ goes pear-shaped along the way, we’re in for a rough ride. It’s like hittin’ a pothole on the highway—you’re gonna feel the bump sooner or later. And trust me, the last thing we wanna do is tear down what we’ve already built. Talk about a waste of time and materials!

But fear not, my friend, ’cause that’s where our trusty visual data comes in. It’s like our guardian angel, keepin’ an eye on things and catchin’ mistakes before they snowball into a big ol’ mess. We’re talkin’ dodgin’ demolition like a ninja dodges shurikens.

And check this out: when mistakes do rear their ugly heads, we’ve got a paper trail longer than a kiwi summer. We can pinpoint exactly where things went awry and settle disputes quicker than you can say “She’ll be right.” No need for drawn-out discussions or courtroom dramas—we’ve got the evidence right here, mate.

Provide a comprehensive handover to the site owner

Detailed documentation is like our secret weapon, benefitin’ both us contractors and the future site owner. It’s like havin’ a roadmap that shows us where we’ve been and where we’re headed.

For the owner, it’s like havin’ a magnifying glass to pore over before signin’ on the dotted line. They can double-check every nook and cranny, makin’ sure everything’s up to snuff before takin’ the keys.

And for us contractors, it’s like havin’ a golden ticket to prove we’ve dotted our i’s and crossed our t’s. We can show off our hard yakka and prove that we’ve ticked off every box on the to-do list.

4. Maintenance and asset inspection

You see, keepin’ things tickin’ over smoothly doesn’t always get the credit it deserves. I mean, who wants to splash out on upkeep when everything’s chuggin’ along just fine, right? But mark my words, when things hit the fan and you’re left holdin’ the bag, you’ll wish you’d paid a bit more attention to the ol’ maintenance schedule.

Now, I ain’t sayin’ it’s easy—far from it. But here’s where our trusty drones swoop in like superheroes. They’re like our eyes in the sky, zippin’ around and givin’ us the lowdown on our assets quicker than you can say “Kiwi.”

Take the Alabama Department of Transportation, for example. These legends are usin’ drones to keep an eye on their roadways, zippin’ around without causin’ a traffic jam. It’s like havin’ a whole team of inspectors workin’ round the clock, keepin’ our highways in tip-top shape.

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